Teaching Policies & Fees
Policy for Lectures & Trunk Shows at Guilds
I am pleased and honored to be a presenter at your local or state quilt guild. As part of my contract with you, I require that I be allowed to give my presentation at the beginning of the meeting (not after the business meeting or break). Additionally, I ask that you allow at least a 15-minute break after my presentation so that I may have adequate time to sell my products, sign books, and visit with your guild members.
Teaching Policies
If you wish to contact Cindy to schedule a workshop or lecture,
please call 661-342-9373 or
e-mail her at
visit the Contact Cindy page.
Payment for lectures and workshops are due at the end of the event by check, cash or money order (no credit cards please).
Teaching Fees
PowerPoint Lectures: $475.
- Trunk Shows at Guilds within driving distance from Luna, New Mexico: $475. *
* Lecture or trunk show is only available in conjunction with a contracted workshop. - Workshops: $700 per day for up to 24 students. Add $25 for each additional student up to 26 maximum for workshop.
- Travel costs: Current IRS mileage allowance round trip if travel is by automobile. If airfare is required, airfare, baggage fees, and parking fees must be provided, in addition to mileage to and from PHX Skyharbor airport. If overnight stay is required, lodging must be provided. A per diem fee of $30 per day (including travel days) for meals.
If there is a “down” day between the workshop and lecture and it is too far for Cindy to drive home, a $275 charge will be added to the price.
Judging Fees
- Judging: $400 per day plus travel expenses. * Up to 130 quilts per day
Prices effective through October, 2024.