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2-Day Workshops

A white quilt illustrating the machine quilting techniques Cindy teaches in her Advanced Machine Quilting workshop

Advanced Machine Quilting

This class includes practice on feathers (marked and free-hand) and many different background designs. After some class practice, students will work on designing a small wholecloth quilt. And, we will extensively cover different threads, battings, needles, and fabrics.

A basic understanding of machine quilting is required for this class.

Fee: See Teaching Fees page.

Contact Cindy

A white quilt illustrating the quilting techniques Cindy teaches in her Trapunto Pizazz! workshop

Trapunto Pizazz!

In this two-day workshop, you will be working on a beautiful wallhanging. You will start out the first day by learning the “Trapunto by Machine” technique.

On the second day, you’ll learn lots of pretty background filler designs to make your Trapunto motifs really pop! And, Cindy will demonstrate her technique for curved bindings.

Skill level: intermediate

Fee: See Teaching Fees page.

Contact Cindy

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