
Twenty Tips & Tricks for Better Machine Quilting
Whether you’re new to machine quilting on your domestic machine, or you’ve been doing it for years, you’re sure to learn some new tricks to make your quilting time more enjoyable, comfortable, and successful!
Cindy’s PowerPoint lecture lists more than 20 tips and tricks, and she has lots of photos to demonstrate her points. This is a very popular lecture that you won’t want to miss.
Fee: See Teaching Fees page.

Demystifying the Quilt Judging Process
Some quilters are intimidated about entering and having their quilts judged in a quilt show. But fear not! Cindy explains the process in a way that is sure to leave you feeling more confident, knowledgeable, and excited to enter the next quilt show!
Some of the things Cindy covers in this lecture are design considerations, workmanship, quilting, embellishing, and finishing. She also goes over various categories that are common amongst quilt shows. Every topic is supported by photos and examples of quilts and their various aspects.
After seeing this lecture, you’ll agree that the quilt judging room isn’t so mysterious after all!
Fee: See Teaching Fees page.

Moving Up to the Big Leagues: Taking Your Quilts From Local Shows To International Competitions
Whether you’re planning on entering your quilts in national shows or not, you’re sure to find this lecture very interesting. Cindy covers everything that quilters need to consider if and when they decide to enter their quilts in national quilt shows.
She discusses:
entry forms
juried vs. non-juried shows
and the whole nine yards!
So, even if you aren’t ready to “move up to the big leagues”, this lecture will open your eyes to everything that competitive quilters must consider when entering their quilts in the big quilt shows that we all love to attend.
Fee: See Teaching Fees page.